

隆声群の各合唱団については こちら

音楽監督:菊村隆史 (きくむらたかふみ)
宮崎県出身。山梨大学教育学部教育科学科卒業、同大学院教育学研究科修了。指揮法を藤井宏樹氏に、ハンガリーにおいて合唱指揮法をサボー・デーネシュ氏に師事。Tokyo Cantat 2008 「第1回若い指揮者のための合唱指揮コンクール」第2位。併せてロマン派賞、オーディエンス賞、合唱団賞を受賞。現在《隆声群》の音楽監督、指揮者を務めている。また各地で客演指揮、オーケストラ付き合唱作品のコーラスマスター、コンクール審査員、作曲家への新作委嘱活動等、合唱音楽に関する様々な活動に携わることをライフワークとしながら、各地のコンサートホールにおける各種事業や音楽イベントの企画・運営にも積極的に関わっている。海外での演奏活動も多く、近年では特に中南米諸国の合唱音楽について造詣を深めている。これまでグアテマラ国際合唱祭「エンラセ・コ ラル2012」、コスタリカ国際合唱祭「テラル・デ・ヴォチェス2013」等の合唱団とともに招待されており、指揮者としての実力とそのクオリティーの高い演奏は中南米諸国のみならず東アジアやヨーロッパでも広く知られている。演奏活動の一方で第2回メキシコ国際室内合唱祭「トラスカラ・カンタ2013」 に指揮者として招聘され現地でワークショップを行う等、日本の合唱作品を世界に紹介する活動にも意欲的に取り組んでいる。JCDA日本合唱指揮者協会会員。21世紀の合唱を考える会 合唱人集団「音楽樹」メンバー。平成音楽大学講師。

Profile:Born in Miyazaki, Japan.Graduated the Faculty of Education and Human Science at the YAMANASHI University, After that, Completed the master's course (Education) at the YAMANASHI University postgraduate course.
Studied conducting under the instruction of Hiroki Fujii (Japan) and Denes Szabo (Hungary).
At present, mainly work as Musical Director and Conductor for "Ryuseigun",an association of 12 choirs in Kyushu, as well as actively play roles such as guest conductor, new works introduction activities of Japanese composers, music concours judge etc. in all over Japan.
In addition, also experienced in conducting orchestra.Until now, conducted M.A.Charpentier "Messe de Minuit", A.Vivaldi "Gloria", J.S.Bach "Jesu, meine Freude", W.A.Mozart "Missa Solemnis", W.A.Mozart "Requiem", G.Faure "Requiem", C.Orff "Carmina Burana", J.Rutter "Gloria" etc and received widespread high reviews.
November 2012;
was invited along with the female ensemble La Fontana in international chorus festival "ENLACE CORAL 2012" that took place in Guatemala.
March 2013; conducted Japan Youth Mozart Philharmonic Orchestra at AK Classics Festival in Austria, performed "Konzert fur Fagott und Orchester (world premiere)" composed by Keizo Ideta.
October 2013; was invited as conductor from Japan with SAKUYO University Mixed Choir at international chorus festival "Telar de Voces" in Costa Rica.
November 2013; was invited as conductor from Japan with ASAGIRI Mixed Choir at international joint concert in Taiwan.
December 2013; was the only invited from the Asian region as a workshop instructor, conductor at the 2nd session of the International Chamber Choir Music Festival "Tlaxcala Canta" in Mexico.
Not only in domestic Japan, but also till now took part in musical activities overseas, enthusiastically introducing Japanese choirs masterpieces to audience all over the world.
Awards and honors: 1st prize in Romantic works section, 2nd prize in total. Also got Audience selection award and Best conductor award from chorus group's selection at "The 1st Choral Conducting Competition for Young Conductors", Tokyo Cantat 2008.
Member of Japan Choral Directors Association. Member of "ONGAKUJU", an organization dedicated to new choral improvements in 21st century. Worked as a lecturer at Kurashiki SAKUYO University and SAKUYO Music Junior College (2011-2014). Working as a lecturer at HEISEI College of Music (2014- ).